Murder Manual
Título original:
Estreno: 2020-05-24.
Director: Nour Wazzi, Toni Kristian Tikkanen, Michael Escobedo, Kelly Hallmark, Matt Newton, Sam N. Powell.
Actores: Emilia Clarke,Hadley Fraser,Sylvia Panacione,Maria Olsen,Brittany Samson,Milly Sanders,Melanie Cruz,Van Hansis,Sally Hughes,Anthony Goss,Bryan Manley Davis,Sophie Knapp,Jeff Torres,Joe Reegan,Frida Rossi,Ned Van Zandt,Michelle Vezilj,Alison Yates,Isaac Anderson,Lauren Lehtinen
Duración: 91 min.
Edad Recomendada: Todas las Edades..
Género: Drama,Horror.

Creepy, terrifying chapters from our book of horror include a little girl\’s journey from a world of nightmares into the nightmare of reality, a gay couple\’s romantic getaway in Palm Springs that turns murderous, a young woman whose rideshare turns deadly, and a girl who is held captive by a circus that must be rescued by her husband.

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